I got my copy of A FAMILY FOREVER a week ago, but it was immediately snatched out of my hands. My wife took one look at the cover and felt her heart strings tugging.
“Can I have a peek at it first?”
“Sure honey.”
That was the last I saw of her until she finished it. I was completely left to do for myself. I had to cook dinner AND do the laundry too (sympathy appreciated).
At bedtime, she announced that she was finished reading it. I could tell from the look on her face, she wanted to tell me all about it.
“Shhh, not a word; I’m going to read it in the morning.”
She smiled, “That’s what you think; Caleb’s got it.”
“Ok..., does he know it’s a ROMANCE?”
“He’s already on chapter two.”
We both laughed.
I knew I was in for something special. It took a couple days, but I finally got my turn. I was hooked on the first page, but it quickly grew into an obsession. The same heart strings that tugged at my wife, took me captive also.
Brenda Coulter’s A FAMILY FOREVER scores five stars. Masterfully written, lovable characters and nail-biting drama make this book the page turner it is.
Get a copy for yourself and an extra for everyone else. You might want to order a pizza too.
Order the book from Amazon
Visit Brenda Coulter’s website