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December 05, 2005
posted by David Meigs at 12/05/2005 12:45:00 PM
NANO’s over, and yet I’ve waited five days to post my first rant. Sorry about that. I’ve been feeling puny. A couple months back I was hit with something that landed me in the hospital. After a month of meds I got better, but now I am again on my back.

Unfortunately, this puniness killed my NANO project. I had a killer first week too. Bummer. Oh well, there is always next year. The “RAM’S HORN” will have to go into the vault with the dozen or more other WIP’s awaiting their turn in the queue.

On a positive note, I did have a few good books to keep me company. Well, some amazing books really. I plan to tell you about them over the next few weeks. In the meantime, things will remain a bit spotty on the Curmudgeon’s Rant. Thanks to the many of you who have left comments. God bless you all.



At Monday, December 05, 2005, Blogger Rulan

Curm, so cool to see you back. Oh my, what a long orange tongue. Oh, and what white teeth and spikey hair? I didn't know you had spikey hair. gasp. Oh my, it is a very interesting picture. mmm Hey, where are the nose hairs? Who designed the green wallpaper?
It is cool to see you back. May you feel better very soon.


At Tuesday, December 06, 2005, Blogger David Meigs

Kid, thanks for stopping by. How are things in Kiwi land?


At Tuesday, December 06, 2005, Blogger Rulan

Hi curm, kiwi land is full of hot summer showers. We had a boomer thunderstorm yesterday. he he. I love the crash of thunder and brilliance of lightning. It's electrifying. Muahahahaha Only thing is, I have to pull the plug on my pc.


At Saturday, December 10, 2005, Blogger Rulan

Hey curm, a new day has dawned. Be uplifted my friend. Jesus is oh so near. There is a new day dawning, I can feel it in the air. There is a new day dawning, the Son's light is shining there.


At Monday, December 12, 2005, Blogger M. C. Pearson

Man, I hope you're feeling better now. I'll read that long interview of yours later tonight. Gotta go bathe the boys now. Talk at ya real soon though!


At Monday, December 12, 2005, Blogger David Meigs

MC, thanks for stopping by. Do come back after bathing the kids. The interview is worth it, and make sure to visit the podcast.

As for the bathing the kids thing, four of our kids are boys so we bought a pressure washer. The daughter liked proper hygiene, but those boys... The pressure washer is really fun too.


At Thursday, December 15, 2005, Blogger M. C. Pearson

LOL! My boys are part oceanide so they love the water. No problems with bathing. It is getting them out that is the problem. Also mopping up all the water that lands on the floor gets old.