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At Thursday, May 04, 2006, Rulan
It takes a special family to love and care for these little gems.
Not all kids receive the love they need and it must bring the Lord such pain. But, when the families He's chosen to care for these kids, love them as much as you do, it must bring great joy to His heart.
The Lord holds every child in the palm of His hand. He watches over them and rewards those who care for them.
Young Johnny and all your children, are so blessed to have such parents as you and Darla.
You must bring such joy to the Father's heart as He sees the love you share.
God bless you, my friend.
At Thursday, May 04, 2006, Bonnie S. Calhoun
God bless you Dave. I actually have four different friends who all have an autistic child. Did you know that out of every 1000 children, 5 of them will be autistic.
I have been especially heartened with my friend Debbie. They have poured their time and talent in their som Merlin...today at the age of ten, you wouldn't know he was autistic if you just met him!
God bless these precious children!